Energy Finance Key Competencies


The Financial Management Study Program (Prodi MKE), was officially permitted to exist through the Decree of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 211/D/0T/2022 which was stipulated in Jakarta on July 26 2022. and is operational. new students starting in the 2023/2024 Academic Year, this study program is the 5th study program established by the Palembang Akamigas Polytechnic (PAP). Lecture activities for the MKE Study Program academic community are carried out at two Akamigas Palembang Polytechnic campus locations, namely the Rampai Campus, on Jalan Rampai Komperta Plaju and the Jakabaring Campus, on Jl. Governor H. Bastari, District. Jakabaring.

The MKE study program has a special characteristic, namely energy concentration, this is adjusted to the characteristics of the parent institution. The specific characteristics of PAP institutions in the energy sector mean that the core scientific competence of all existing study programs is in the energy sector, because PAP is located in the province of the national energy source (oil and gas, coal and geothermal), where the relatively homogenous population is very culturally familiar with industry. energy producers, namely mining and oil, even since colonial times. It has been proven that the largest areas contributing to student sources in PAP are from districts/cities in and around oil and gas/mining company operational areas (Ring-1). So it can be said that the establishment of the Financial Management Study Program is a response to the high level of public interest, especially the people of South Sumatra, who need a place to study for high school graduates from social sciences and those still related to the energy industry.

Every medium and large scale company definitely needs Financial Management in managing affairs related to company finances, energy-based companies certainly need financial workers to manage financial reporting and balance sheets, taxation, supply chain management, risk management, so that there are potential job opportunities in This field is wide open, with scientific capital in energy economics combined with cultural and emotional closeness to energy industry players, it is hoped that Financial Management Study Program graduates can fill positions at the forefront of national energy resource management.

Study Program Competencies

  1. Financial Analyst Assistant
    Assistant analyst of extractive company financial performance by identifying trends, calculating financial ratios and providing insight into the company's financial health.
  2. Supply Chain Management Officer/Supervisor
    Actors managing the flow of goods/services in extractive companies include: planning, procurement, storage and distribution.
  3. Risk Management Analysis
    Identify and manage financial risks related to oil price fluctuations, exchange rate fluctuations and regulatory changes.
  4. Budget Planner
    Officers who prepare extractive company budgets to regulate expenditure and receipts by considering income projections.
  5. Investment Management
    Manage company investments in new energy projects, infrastructure development and strategic projects.
  6. Corporate Tax Analyst
    Performers of recording, payment, reporting, and supervision of administrative processes related to taxes in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, especially in the oil and gas sector




  1. Producing competent and certified graduates in the field of energy financial management who are globally competitive, devoted to God Almighty, disciplined and have integrity.
  2. Providing vocational education in the field of energy financial management in accordance with developments in science and technology.
  3. Play an active role in applied research and community service in the field of energy financial management according to stakeholder needs.
  4. Establish productive and sustainable collaboration with stakeholders at national and international levels

Head of Study Program

Hj. Sri Hartati, S.E., M.Sc.

Prodi Secretary

M. Fakhriansyah, S.E., M.M

Permanent Lecturer

  1. Ikbal Aziz, SE., M.Sc
  2. Maya Matofani, S.E, M.Sc
  3. K.M. Faisal Reza, S.E, M.Si
  4. Yanti Juniarti, S.Pd, M.Pd
  5. Meidiana Mulya Ningsih, S.E., M.M., Ak
  6. Devia Septyani, S.E., M.Sc
  7. Annisa Pratiwi, SE., M.M


Lubna Alyah, A.Md.T